APrIGF 2016 亞太網路治理台北年會徵件

更多會議詳情請參考 http://2016.aprigf.asia

Suggested Sub-Themes

The future impact of IANA Transition / IANA 移交

The IANA transition proposal is expected to be submitted to USG sometime in the early 2016. There are many new designs arising from the proposals, from those related to institution to that of mechanism, some of which are very different from what we are used to. How does it work? What is changed? What may be the impact?

IANA 管理權移交預計在2016年初移交給到 USG。目前各種提案內所涉及的議題與往昔大不相同,很多甚至是我們所不熟悉的,例如移交機構、轉移機制等。這些提案或如何進行?什麼已經改變了?什麼樣的衝擊是隨後可預見的?

編按:IANA 網際網路號碼分配權威機構 (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority; 簡稱IANA) 提供頂級網域名稱註冊、全球IP位址分配、網際網路通訊協定(Protocol)通訊埠編號註冊。更多詳情請參考 http://iview.twnic.net.tw/?page_id=53

2. Security / 安全

Cyber Security, the protection of information systems from damage and disruption, is critical not just to the stability of cyberspace, but also increasingly important to the  physical world. At the same time, Privacy and Data Protection are also hot topics issues that nations are also increasingly grappling with in this new era. Where is the balance between security and privacy/data protection?


3. Human Rights 人權

Human rights are central to a “New Internet Era”. Human rights standard should apply to the internet environment in the areas of access and development, freedom of expression, right to assembly and privacy as well as on the right to education, health, culture and to a broad range of other rights. The impact of new laws and policies such as cyber-security, data protection, surveillance, anonymity, intermediary liability on human rights have been subject to intense scrutiny and debate by all stakeholders.How should human rights online be enforced, and by whom? What are the main instruments to engage all sectors and make them accountable in human rights protections? How are new laws relating to cybersecurity affecting freedom of expression, assembly, and privacy online? What protections exist in different countries, and what best practices are being developed? What standards for human rights protection should ICT companies, service providers and infrastructure providers follow?


4. Impact of international agreement and policies / 國際條約和政策的衝擊

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)’s and a couple of other multilateral free trade agreements’ impact to Cyberspace. Concluded recently, TPP’s implication extends to intellectual property (such as copyright and domain name dispute resolution) and cross-border data flow issues; why US congress did not prove SOPA; What will be the impact on ccTLDs etc? What is the impact of such agreement on Internet community?

TPP 以及其他多邊自由貿易協議給網路帶來的衝擊是什麼?具體來說,例如智慧財產權的延伸(如域名保護和爭議處理)以及資料跨境傳輸問題等。為什麼美國國會沒有同意 SOPA  議案?這對於 ccTLD 會帶來什麼問題?這些協議對國際社群有什麼影響?

5. Universality / 普及性

The next era will involve global changes to the Internet, such as the deployment of IPv6, and internationalised domain names and email addresses.  What progress is being made, and how can we do more, towards these important global developments?

下個網路時代將帶來全球的網路變化,例如 IPV6 的佈署,以及國際化域名和電郵後綴等。目前什麼發展的程序已被採取?我們如何在這些變化來臨之前做出更好的準備?

6. Cyber Connectivity / 網路互連

Increased connectivity is driving digital transformation at unprecedented rates and has the potential to bridge the digital divide, and even wealth gap. It is also changing traditional business models – one of the more recent development has been the growth of IoT (Internet of Things) and ubiquitous use of technology, from the global industrial economy right down to our personal lives. What developments can we expect in the new era, what potential do they hold?

更好的網路互連環境,快速地帶來前所未見的數位轉型,不只有可能消弭數位落差,也可能改善貧富分佈。例如從全球產業經濟和我們的生活周遭,近來快速增長的 IoT 和到處可見的科技環境,也挑戰了各種傳統的商業模式。什麼樣的未來發展是我們能期待的?這些風潮真能帶來什麼樣的潛力?