
Title: Recommendations for human rights based approaches to cybersecurity

標題: 關於以人權為基礎的網路安全建議


Original Chinese Translation
These recommendations are a first step towards ensuring that cybersecurity policies and practices are based upon and fully consistent with human rights – effectively, that cybersecurity policies and practices are rights-respecting by design. 這些建議是作為確保網路安全政策和作法上能有效地完全以人權的根基,網路安全政策和實行措施是根據尊重人權來設計。
1.Cybersecurity policies and decision-making processes should protect and respect human rights. 1.網路安全政策和決策過程應該要保護及尊重人權。
2. The development of cybersecurity-related laws, policies, and practices should from their inception be human rights respecting by design. 2.網路安全相關法規、政策、實行措施的發展應該要出自於內心對於人權的尊重來設計。
3. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should enhance the security of persons online and offline, taking into consideration the disproportionate threats faced by individuals and groups at risk. 3. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施應該要強化人們在線上與離線時的安全,考量關於個人與團體在不同風險中所面臨的威脅。
4. The development and implementation of cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should be consistent with international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law. 4. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施的發展和執行,應該要符合國際法,包含國際人權法和國際人道主義法。
5. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should not be used as a pretext to violate human rights, especially free expression, association, assembly, and privacy. 5. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施不應該被作為侵害人權的藉口,特別是自由表達、集結社團、集會和隱私方面。
6. Responses to cyber incidents should not violate human rights. 6. 對於網路事件的回應不應該侵犯人權。
7. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should uphold and protect the stability and security of the Internet, and should not undermine the integrity of infrastructure, hardware, software and services. 7. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施應該要維持及保護網路的穩定性與安全性,且不應該破壞基礎設施、軟硬體和服務。
8. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should reflect the key role of encryption and anonymity in enabling the exercise of human rights, especially free expression, association, assembly, and privacy. 8. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施應要能反應在加密和匿名規則上,確保人權的實現,特別是自由表達、集結社團、集會和隱私。
9. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies and practices should not impede technological developments that contribute to the protection of human rights. 9. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施不應該阻礙有助於保護人權的科技發展。
10. Cybersecurity-related laws, policies, and practices at national, regional and international levels should be developed through open, inclusive, and transparent approaches that involve all stakeholders. 10. 網路安全相關法規、政策和施和實行措施的研擬,不論在國家、區域、國際階層上都應該要讓所有利害關係人透過開放、包容、透明的方式進行。
11. Stakeholders should promote education, digital literacy, and technical and legal training as a means to improving cybersecurity and the realization of human rights. 11. 利害關係人應該要推廣教育、數位素養和技術及法務訓練,用以推進網路安全與實現人權。
12. Human rights respecting cybersecurity best practices should be shared and promoted among all stakeholders. 12. 所有利害關係人都應該分享尊敬人權的網路安全最佳實行措施。
13. Cybersecurity capacity building has an important role in enhancing the security of persons both online and offline; such efforts should promote human rights respecting approaches to cybersecurity. 13. 加強網路安全能力建設,不論是對於連線或是離線的人都具有重要的作用;這樣的努力應該要促進人權發展。

Recommendations for human rights based approaches to cybersecurity

翻譯人員:Translated from English by Ying-Chu Chen and TH Schee from Open Knowledge Taiwan.